How to import junit testResults with type Cucumber and not Generic with API?

ziedktari July 12, 2023

I tried to upload junit results to Xray and sepcify testType with value Cucumber but Xray creates tests with testType Generic. (according to the doc it is a normal behavior of xray)
To resume I have imported feature file with API then i have imported  their execution, the problem is that Xray duplicates the tests that I have already imported as a feature file.

I would lke to know how to resolve this problem, please. Thank you in advance. 

my testInfo is:

"fields": {
"project": {
"id": "10019"
"labels" : ["API","feature"],
"priority": {
"self": "",
"iconUrl": "",
"name": "Highest",
"id": "1"


1 answer

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ziedktari July 20, 2023

Solution: import results in cucumber json results

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