How to hide user profile from Service Desk portal

Alvaro Jardón July 20, 2018

While creating a "Hide system or plugin UI element" fragment, I can hide the Profile link from jira using the "", or the details (including the link to edit profile) from within the profile using the "com.atlassian.jira.jira-user-profile-plugin:custom-user-details".


How can I get this same behaviour on the Service Desk portal? It seems there are different items/panels, but can't find which ones.


Using the fragment locator I get the "item:servicedesk.portal.profile.actions" and "Panel: location:servicedesk.portal.profile.panels" inside the profile, and "" on the profile menu, but it seems I can't use any of those in a "Hide system or plugin UI element" type of fragment.


The desired behaviour is to hide the ability to edit the user profile in a certain (anonymous) project portal, but keep the links in the other (private) project portal (I know I can do this using css and an Install web resource fragment, but I'd like to use the condition bit and not hide it from all portals)

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Danyal Iqbal
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July 20, 2018

The desired behaviour is to hide the ability to edit the user profile in a certain (anonymous) project portal, but keep the links in the other (private) project portal (I know I can do this using css and an Install web resource fragment, but I'd like to use the condition bit and not hide it from all portals)

I would hide it with Javascript brute force (although your approach is much better, it does not seem to be working. )

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