How to get value of one attribute which is contained in another attribute and show in 3rd attribute

Dhananjay Kale April 19, 2023

Hello All,


We have 2 object types -

Object1 (which has 2 attributes - Atrib1, Atrib2)

Object2 (which has 2 attributes - Atrib3, Atrib4)


We import objects using JSON file.


Attrib3 has values which is combination of Atrib1 and Atrib2 (its already in JSON file, we just import it)

e.g. Atrib1 has values "ABC def 123"

Atrib2 has values "X_YZ"

So Atrib3 having value as "ABC def 123 (X_YZ)" (added with extra brackets)


Now we want to get value of Atrib1 from Object1 and show in Object2 in Atrib4 by looking combination Atrib1 and Atrib2 in Atrib3. 


So how do I get value of Atrib1 and Atrib2 which is contained in Atrib3 and show in Atrib4 just like JIRA query (summary ~ "ABC def 123" and description ~ "X_YZ")?



1 answer

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Dhananjay Kale May 4, 2023

I was able to get it with REGEX in Attribute configuration.





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