How to create an automation that use "version deleted" as the trigger?

Sere Walkens July 12, 2023

I want to do something when a version is deleted, but I didn't find such trigger. I wonder is there any way to do this?

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Fred Momeni
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 13, 2023

Hi @Sere Walkens 

Unfortunately, currently, we don't support the `version deleted` triggers and events. The only events we support are "version created", version updated", "version released" and "version unreleased".

We are working on adding this trigger to our application.

Sere Walkens July 14, 2023

Thank you for letting me know. There is no "version deleted" as well in New action. Hope it can be added shortly!

Screenshot 2023-07-14 135858.png

David Laine
March 26, 2024

@Fred Momeni  - I see that this has now been added to the JIRA Cloud, can you please tell me if you have any plans to add an automation action "Delete Version" too? (so that this can be used in conjunction with the event in the same way as the Create Version trigger and the Create Version action (to create other versions in other projects) - it would be good and make sense to be able to delete versions in other projects on the delete version trigger event in the same way. Thanks in advance.

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