How do I trigger a Jira report?

Dipika Lad
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September 13, 2019

I want to add trigger into an automation creates a Jira report and uses the Jira report as the body of an email.

1 answer

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Nick Menere
Rising Star
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September 15, 2019

Unfortunately we don't have this natively but in Server we do integrate with Midori's Better Excel/Pdf add-ons -

You can simply create a scheduled trigger and then use their add-on to generate and email a report.


In Cloud, we don't currently have a solution for this.


Nick [Automation for Jira]

Levente Szabo _Midori_
Marketplace Partner
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September 17, 2019

Hi @Dipika Lad ,

As Nick mentioned, you can create and automatically email various types of Jira reports in PDF or Excel on Jira Server or Data Center. Read more about the options with the Midori apps + Automation for Jira and let us know if you have any questions!

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