Hide the "issue templates agent" template field for issue type without templates

Corentin HACHE August 17, 2023

The "issue templates agent" works great.
It is just disturbing that the templates field is visible even for issue types where no templates is set.
Is it possible to hide the template field for such issues ?

3 answers

1 vote
Kate Pawlak _Appsvio_
Community Leader
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August 17, 2023

Hi @Corentin HACHE ,

I'm Kate from Appsvio team. I'm so happy that you like our app! ❤️

According to your question, I've already talked with development team and this task is on our board. We'll release a change by the end of this week. After the change, if the Templates field is empty, it won't be on the screen.

In case of any other questions, remember that you can always contact us via customer portal: https://appsvio.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/3.



0 votes
Corentin HACHE September 12, 2023

Hi @Kate Pawlak _Appsvio_ 

Have you got any news about these request ?
Seem not to be available on Jira Cloud.

Kate Pawlak _Appsvio_
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 12, 2023

Hi @Corentin HACHE

We're testing it now because we met some technical issues when implementing it. It should be released soon.

0 votes
Corentin HACHE August 17, 2023

Thank you very much Kate !

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