Filtering issues by custom field value in JIRA REST API

Jesper Lund Stocholm December 15, 2021

I can get a list of issues of type "Epic" with the following endpoint:


How do I construct the jql such that I can get a list of issues where a custom field has a particular value?

I have added a custom field of type "short text" with name "Power PPM Identifier". The internal name of this field is 



If I query the REST API for a particular Epic, I can see the value like this:


I would have imagined that I could construct the jql like this:
But when I send that to the REST API, I get this error: 

    "errorMessages": [

        "Field 'customfield_10032' does not exist or you do not have permission to view it."


    "warningMessages": []

How can I write my jql such that it filters by the value of a custom field?

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David Bakkers
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December 15, 2021
https://<myorg>"Power PPM Identifier[Short text]" ~ 6de4d40d-0ba2-4a8c-bf04-2642d62768f9

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