Error 'upm.plugin.error.timeout.license.change' when installing an app

Andrey Stepanov April 24, 2023



I have a customer who has troubles installing the app. When adding app to the Confluence the following error is seen in the response 

"pingAfter": 300,
"status": {
"done": true,
"statusCode": 200,
"contentType": "application/vnd.atl.plugins.task.install.err+json",
"subCode": "upm.plugin.error.timeout.license.change"
"links": {
"self": "/wiki/rest/plugins/1.0/pending/a5946e17-573e-4f6c-83a9-c3add6b20f18",
"alternate": "/wiki/rest/plugins/1.0/tasks/a5946e17-573e-4f6c-83a9-c3add6b20f18"
"timestamp": 1682346992410,
"accountId": "----",
"id": "----"
At the same time on the app side I see that the `/install` endpoint was successfully triggered for that customer and responded with 204 response code within 59ms. So It is not likely there is a timeout happening.
Is there a way to fix it? Is it related to ? This is the only reference to   "upm.plugin.error.timeout.license.change" error I found in the internet.
The customer recently consolidated the second cloud site to their main instance. Could it be the reason for the failure? How to resolve it?
Looking forward for your help.
Andrey Stepanov

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