EazyBI Formula is not valid error

TN Raju August 3, 2023

I am building a Average Age of Working Items in progress report. 

I have created the below Measures: 


While creating Total Work Item Age Measure using below formula & getting the error

[Issue].CurrentMember.Name = "In Progress"
[Measures].[ Work Items Age in Days]

Please Suggest

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Gerda Grantiņa
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August 7, 2023

Hi @TN Raju ,

If you want to filter your issues by some property and then calculate the average days, you need to use the DescendantsSet() function. 

Try this formula:

DescendantsSet([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
[Measures].[Issue status] = "In Development"
([Measures].[Transitions to status],
[Transition Status].[In Progress],
[Time].CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember) > 0
[Measures].[Work Items Age in Days]



TN Raju August 8, 2023

Thanks. its worked.

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TN Raju September 14, 2023


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