Date time format Sprint change

License Manager Stratech April 16, 2013

I've configured Jira to use a different date time format that is used in our country (The Netherlands).

When looking at the settings of a Greenhopper project. On the 'Work' screen, there is a sprint name in the left upper corner where you can configure the start and end date of the sprint. I see the start and end date in the following format: 02/Apr/13 5:11 PM. The jira settings are different.

Also the datepicker is in the format described above.

I cannot find a setting within Greenhopper to set a different date time format. And/or the Greenhopper is not using the standard Jira settings.

How do i change this format, or can this bug be fixed if Greenhopper should use the Jira settings.

Kind regards,

3 answers

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Vladislav Kiselev December 29, 2014

Still not fixed

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 16, 2013

Hey there, Dennis.

There is a bug report that is reported on this matter.

Warm regards,


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