Custom progress bar structure, total progress

Kirill Semenov
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February 29, 2024
Good morning everyone!
I need help, I want to create a progress bar based on my data, costs by competencies.
The documentation didn't help. I need to create a fixed progress width by value for each project (so that the scale is not drawn a kilometer ahead)

To do this, I converted everything into percentages and noted in granularity the sum of all competencies by % to get 100%. But I absolutely don’t understand how construction works on this scale.

All I need to do is display the scale by epic line, the progress of spending by competency. In this case, the scale should not go beyond the structure and have a fixed width according to plan_trz

//Example, but it bad, dont understand how work with progress bar...:
WITH total_time = plan_trz:
with bar = "█":
with granularity=plan_trz:
with trz_analytic=FLOOR(COUNT#truthy{analytic_trz}/COUNT{1}*granularity):
with trz_testing=FLOOR(COUNT#truthy{testing_trz}/COUNT{1}*granularity):
with trz_development=FLOOR(COUNT#truthy{FE_trz+BE_trz+DB_trz}/COUNT{1}*granularity):
CONCAT("{color:orange}" ,REPEAT(bar, trz_analytic), "{color}{color:purple}", REPEAT(bar, trz_testing), "{color}{color:blue}", REPEAT(bar, trz_development), "{color}")

Снимок экрана 2024-03-01 в 10.13.52.png

If it is not necessary to convert everything into percentages. Possible to create a scale based on the number, the simple problem is that I cannot set a fixed width based on the total (plan_trz) for each project.

I'm trying to achieve the following result:

Снимок экрана 2024-03-01 в 10.34.16.png

Thanks for your advices!


2 answers

1 vote
Stepan Kholodov _Tempo_
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April 5, 2024

Hello @Kirill Semenov 

We have sample formulas with custom progress bars on our Wiki. The formula you're trying to use is missing something for sure, but it's hard to recommend anything specific without properly understanding the logic you want to use, and how the variables relate to each other.

If you need our assistance, please reach out to us directly at our support portal and we'll get back to you shortly.

Best regards,
Tempo (the Structure app vendor)

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Dave Rosenlund _Trundl_
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March 1, 2024

Hi, @Kirill Semenov. For some reason the Atlassian Community spambot flagged your post as spam. I released it. 

To be clear, it looks like you are trying to accomplish this with the Structure by Tempo "Formulas" feature?  Is this correct?

Kirill Semenov
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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April 5, 2024

Good day @Dave Rosenlund _Trundl_ , thanks for release post.

Yes structure and hours/days from tempo. But i can't do static bar for each project. Last image what i try to do.

Problem that my bar don't static width for projects and for each different in width depending on the estimate for the project, that given bar value. 

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Dave Rosenlund _Trundl_
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April 10, 2024

👆 It looks like @Stepan Kholodov _Tempo_  has got you covered, @Kirill Semenov  👆

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