Create JIRA issue when a specific attribute of one Object Type changes

Bastian Wassermann February 18, 2018

WHEN Condition: Object updated

IF Condition: objectType = "Kundenprodukt" AND attributeID = 143

THEN: Create JIRA issue


Every time I fill the IF Condition, the automation doesn't run. The "last action" time doesn't change. Without the IF Condition it works perfectly.

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Alexander Sundström
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February 19, 2018

Hi Bastian,

I would double check spelling, ie, that there is an object type called Kundenprodukt and an attribute with name attributeID, and that the values is set to 143.

If that is correct I would add log level "DEBUG" on package "" to get more information when throubleshooting. And look at the insight_automation.log that is in the JIRA home directory if there is some information there indicating why the rule isn't triggered.

it might also be an idea to look at the atlassian-jira.log in the same directory. 

Best Regards

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