Confiforms: Registration Control -Warning to be displayed on the top as pop up

malli geswari August 5, 2018


Created a form with the setting  " Enforce one entry per user " enabled and defined the fields to be part of the form and created a registration control to enable form registrtaion as well.


When user tries to click on the Register button multiple times, the message to be displayed when the form is read only and the warning to be displayed as pop up message on the top of the page, instead of displaying next to control. In the below screenhsots, the warmin/message is diplayed next to the control which is wierd, instead of displaying on the top of the page.

Please clarify how this can be doneerror1.pngerror2.png


1 answer

1 vote
Davin Studer
Rising Star
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September 4, 2018

The popup is using the Atlassian flag api, which should show in the top right corner of the page ... but it  should be wider than that. It looks like you have some CSS that isn't scoped correctly that is messing up the flag.

malli geswari October 4, 2018

Thanks Davin.

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