Clone Plus Plugin license has been lost after Jira upgrade

Artur Shnayder April 9, 2013

After Jira upgrade from Jira 4.4.3 to Jira 5.2.8, we lost our Clone Plus Plugin license.

Jira instance has been moved to another server at the same time.

Is there any way to recover the license or copy it from the previous location.

I am not sure whether it was covered by support agreement.

Person, who managed it is not in the company anymore.

What should be my steps to recover license information.



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Bob Swift (personal)
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April 9, 2013

Go to the marketplace listing and get an evaluation license to get you going as soon as possible. If you previously had a license, it would be on your account. If it is not there, I suspect you were using an older version of the plugin that was open source and did not require a license.

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