Can you start the hierarchy with Project in Structure?

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July 16, 2018

I have read that it is possible to create hierarchy using 'Epic' which is an issue type and then drill down from there. Is there a way to start the hierarchy at the 'Project' level? Then issue type then issues? I have looked at the plugin for Structure for Jira - Projects at Scale and one of the screenshot has a layout I'm looking for but want to start the hierarchy with 'Project'

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Vlad Lessage
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October 23, 2018

Hi Thuy,

Thanks for your post. 

I don't know if you still need assistance but I wanted to reply just in case. When you say you want to "start the hierarchy at the Project level", do you simply want to see the Project names above your Epics? If so, you can indeed Insert Epics, Extend Stories under Epics and Extend Linked issues and Sub-Tasks as needed. Then, you can Group by Project. 

This way, you're not technically "starting" with Projects but you will see your Project names at the top of the hierarchy with their respective Epics, Stories and so forth right under them.

I hope this helps. Otherwise, please let me know if you need further assistance.

I'm sorry we missed your post initially and apologize for the delay in responding to your inquiry.

Best Regards,


[ALM Works]

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