Can we use Behaviors way of coding inside custom script validators and custom script listeners?

Bhupesh Nagda July 30, 2018


I wanted to ask a question, due to some weird reason behaviors are not working in our production environment and we were wondering if there was some way to use the behavior modules, classes, interfaces, like FormField etc. and import them inside a custom scripted validator inside workflows?

My support ticket to support my question:


I want to make some fields visible/hidden and mandatory based on some field selection. I know exactly how to do it using behaviors but as i said behaviors are not working for us and we are pretty much stuck and were exploring ways to implement behaviors via other features of script runner plugin like custom script validators.

Any help would be appreciated!!


Thanks & Best Regards,


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Mark Markov
Rising Star
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July 30, 2018

Hello @Bhupesh Nagda

You cannot use behaviours classes outside of behaviours. Because FieldBehaviours class work with frontside jira API. Which you can not access from postfunction, conditions etc.


And why behaviours did not work for you?

With behaviours you can do all the stuff that validators do and more.

Bhupesh Nagda August 1, 2018

Hi Mark,

Thank you for your reply.

Actually behavior module of the plugin is not working properly for us and you can find details on below link on why we are not able to use behaviors

However the vendor has finally agreed to entertain our request so we are hoping behaviors will be fixed for us and we would be able to use them for this requirement and many in future.

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