Can I modify options into Checklist add-on througth a custom script?

Igor Babar March 2, 2016


I want to add and remove options into Checklist add-on dynamically  througth custom script. Is it possible?

Using the post-function "" is not suitable because it is not flexible enough.


I will be grateful for examples.

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Yves Riel _Okapya_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
March 7, 2016

Hi Igor,

There was a post on this forum where someone using groovyscript achieved it but I can't find it. It seems that Answer doesn't show all questions sad

There is this other post that can help you.

I am curious, what flexibility would you require?



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