BulkClone causing error 500 when browsing projects.

Sebastien Falardeau October 2, 2014

Hi there,

Since our upgrade to JIRA 6.3.5 and BulkClone 1.0.11, JIRA users receive an error 500 when they browse projects from the "Projects" menu. The error disapears when the add-on is disabled.

Thank you

8 answers

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Lars Broden
Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 29, 2014


a BulkClone 1.0.12 has now been released to adress this problem among other stability improvements.

Best Regards

Lars Broden

2 votes
Matt Clemens October 20, 2014

Any update on this?  Would really like a working version!

0 votes
Lars Broden
Rising Star
Rising Star
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January 18, 2015

A fix is now in place with BulkClone 1.0.13.

Please empty the plugin cache after upgrading and also the Browser cache.

Shutdown the JIRA server and empty the server cache and then restart again

If the problem still persists, please provide us with the relevant portions of the JIRA log that causes the exepction


Lars Broden

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Lars Broden
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 9, 2014

Will take a look at this and provide a fix.


Lars Broden

0 votes
ankush174 October 30, 2014

+1 we are facing the same problem on JIRA 6.3.9. Kindly update any tentative date by which there will be a fix for this issue. Need to upgrade JIRA to install JIRA Service Desk module and not having bulk clone on the latest version of JIRA will be a blocker for us proceed further with the upgrade..


Ankush Grover




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Edwin Smith October 20, 2014

My workaround is to enable bulk clone for a minimum amount of time after setting up all the clones we need to do then disabling it again. It's not a great solution but it makes more sense than cloning 300 Tests by hand for a new project.

It would however be nice if you could select an option for no emails. Sending people 300 emails when you clone a test plan isn't needed. You can work around this by making your Template Project access limited to a few admins but then you lose the ability for users to add and modify the templates.

0 votes
Matt Clemens October 14, 2014

+1 we see the same thing after upgrading JIRA to 6.3.7

Sebastien Falardeau October 14, 2014

Hi Tomas, I did saw the article at first. That's how I found that BulkClone was causing the issue. However, I've opened this issue to obtain support from BulkClone since they're supporting the add-on via "Answers".

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