BigPicture configure children status

Marc-Henri Primault
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May 31, 2022



I would like to configure the Status [Children status categories in %] to match my status of a specific type of issue.

My table of correspondence for the APPS issues with BigPicture is

  • APPS: To Do -> BP: To Do
  • APPS: INR Design, In Progress, INR Review -> BP: In Progress
  • APPS: INR Test, Done -> BP: Done

How can I configure BigPicture to do this conversion of status?

In this example, I would like to have 100% for the Done

Screenshot 2022-05-31 at 10.16.54.png

1 answer

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Atlassian Partner
May 31, 2022

Hi @Marc-Henri Primault

BigPicture reflects a status category assigned to a given status in Jira. Could you please check the 'INR Test' settings and make sure that it's set to the proper category?

image (29).png

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