BigPicture Projects should only be visible/Listed to the Groups that we want to not to every user

SANAD AD July 30, 2018

1. BigPicture Projects should only be visible/Listed to the Groups that we want to not to every user.

As we have different team handling different projects. We want to hide the projects from everyone unless they have the access.


2. Also the Avatars Broken in Chrome. But shows properly in Internet explorer. Do we have any idea to fix it.

1 answer

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 31, 2018

I'm not sure how bigpicture projects differ from other Jira projects, but if you want to restrict which users have access to a project, then you will need to adjust the permission scheme in use by these projects.  Please see Managing project permissions for details. Jira's default permission scheme will let any licensed user with a login to see any issue.  In your case, you will need to remove the 'Browse issue' permission from the group called 'any logged-in user'.  That will prevent these users from accessing this project, but before you do this, you also need to add the specific group(s) to that scheme in use on that project so they can continue to access that project.


regarding the avatars:

Which avatars?  User avatars, project avatars, or both?   Did you recently migrate Jira or upgrade Jira?  What version of jira is this?

SANAD AD July 31, 2018

Thanks Andrew for valuable input. I have attached the below screenshot on avatar issue for your reference. It happens in chrome for all the users. But the same works in internet explorer.

Avatar issue.png

Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 3, 2018

Sorry Sanad, I am not familiar with this particular plugin.  At first I thought maybe your inquiry was more Jira specific, but it appears to be more plugin specific in this case.  But I have added the marketplace tag for this plugin to your thread.

Hey @Piotrek Romanczyk [SoftwarePlant], would you also be able to help here?

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