1. Why, by shortening the duration of the task, which is on the critical path, does not automatically shorten the duration of the entire project (shortening the estimated project end)? Why it works just forward? How to setup the plugin to make it work backward?
2. Why by closing completely „future” task (i.e. period =5days) right now, located on the critical path, doesn’t automatically shorten the duration of the entire project of 5days?
3. Why by closing task today (i.e. planned start since today for next 10 days) right now, located on the critical path, doesn’t automatically shorten the duration of the entire project of 10days? Is there any auto critical path alignment button / trigger?
4. in some cases, after CSV import, there are red dotted extended footprints on the eipcs on the gantt view (no baseline), what is that and how to avoid the that ?
example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0X80pAzBhh0
Gantt view for task PLVI-30, at 17:56min