Behaviour with User Picker Field

Dante Labate July 23, 2018

I need help..

I was able to populate a user field (user picker field) through behavior (the field is populated).

The problem is it seems that the informed user was not valid in the existing options (did not match).

this user field is used to filter information in another field (database customfield) and without the matching does not work as it should

import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.onresolve.jira.groovy.user.FieldBehaviours

def superior = getFieldById("customfield_16004")
def currentUser = ComponentAccessor.getJiraAuthenticationContext().getLoggedInUser().getName()



If I manually populate the user field (and do the correct match) the other field (database customfield) works correctly.

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