Automation - Smart Value tag Assignee

selluri April 11, 2023

Is it possible to tag the issue assignee in a Comment in a Jira Automation rule? 

I know the {{assignee.displayName}} smart value will include the assignee's name, but I haven't figured out how to have that show up as a tag.


I tried with below options, but no luck. 




Could you please help

2 answers

1 vote
April 12, 2023

Hi Selluri,


The 2nd statement should work. Could you check the permissions:

Global permissions browse users & groups (see the screenshot attached).Global permissions - users & groups.png

Users with this permission can see the names of all users and groups on your site. They can share issues and @mention people on issues.

For project permissions please search for Assignable User Assign Issues in the project permissions scheme.

More than that you have the possibility to auto-check within automation in the value from the statement is what you want to be rendered.

A trick that you can use for future cases is "manually trigger an issue". Here is what you need to do:

- create the rule:Screenshot 2023-04-12 at 10.24.45.png

In my case, I use a group to restrict the results of this rule only to me.

- using a test issue please access the top right menu by pressing the Action button. Then 

"Manually trigger an issue" => You will get the results and inspect them under the comments area. (see screenshot).Screenshot 2023-04-12 at 10.24.56.png

Hope that this info gives light on your case.



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John Funk
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April 12, 2023

Hi @selluri 

The bottom one you have in your answer should work. How are you using it? Can you post your full rule with the details showing the relevant section for this? 

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