Approvers Bypass Comala Approval workflow

Kevin Baker May 8, 2024

Is there a way with Confluence Data Center version (Non Cloud) in a workflow to set it so approvers or reviwers bypass a workflow approval flow?

Case: Document approval flow on a document page. 2 x stages, when editted by someone it goes to review, then is approved and goes to approval. Once approved its published.

Looking to make it that if User 1 and User 2 can review and approve, if they make a change it goes straight to published. They skip the steps. Is this possible? I cannot see anything obvious in the UI and small search in documentation. I am presuming its something to do with triggers maybe, but unsure and very new to all this in Confluence.


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Kevin Baker May 8, 2024

So managed to get this to bypass the approvers into published with a trigger


{trigger:statechanged|state=For Review|user=@DocumentApprover@}
{trigger:statechanged|state=Requires Approval|user=@DocumentApprover@}


Just need to play around with it to refine some issues.

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