Anchor problems within a page with a "'" in the title

Kevin Hughes April 9, 2013

Hi, I have had troubles with links to an anchor within the same page - some worked, some dist,

Having spent a substantial amount of time comparing working cases and none working cases it appears that links to a links to an anchor within a page doesnt work if the page has "'" in its name - guess there are other characters that revela this problem too.

Is this a known bug?????

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Kevin Hughes April 24, 2013

Its somewhat worse than having "'" in the title. After an email exchange with Atlassian and specifically testing cases I belive the folliwng caracchaters are the ones that cuase the issue:

" - "quote"
& - "amper" - distinct from "amp" in "&","and"
' - "apostrophe"
< - "waka", "less"
> - "waka", "more"

there may be more but these are the only ones on my keyboard :)

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Steffen Heller
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April 9, 2013

I think you are right. The page title becomes part of the anchor link and in the link it can't handle quotation marks and other special chars.

I don't know if there is a solution except for simply not using quotation marks in page titles?

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