Amend Checklist to include date and person who updated it

LynF August 20, 2016


While the date& time and person who updated a checklist is visible under History, I have received a suggestion that the Name and Date / time that checklist item was update is displayed on the actual checklist.  That way they are all visible quickly, without the need to scroll through History to find out when a checklist item was updated. 

Can you let me know


2 answers

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LynF August 21, 2016

Thank you for the prompt reply

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Yves Riel _Okapya_
Marketplace Partner
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August 21, 2016

Hi Lyn,

Thanks for the suggestion. While we aim at keeping the Checklist UI lean and clean and don't repeat information available elsewhere, I think that this is an interesting idea. I will keep it in our backlog so it is in the back of our mind.

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