Adding someone to a user-selected jira group via post function

Robert Kendrick August 25, 2020

I'm looking to run a script to add a user to a jira group via a post function. 

Use case:

The manager creates a new ticket "Add user to group" & fills out:

New Hire (custom field, User Picker)

Jira User Group (Custom field, dropdown list) This list will have all possible Jira user groups.


I have a script that works if I hard code the jira user group into it, but I want to allow the manager to select the group. 

import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.user.ApplicationUser

def groupManager = ComponentAccessor.getGroupManager()
def user = (ApplicationUser) ComponentAccessor.getCustomFieldManager().getCustomFieldObjectByName("Requesting Producer").getValue(issue)

def group = groupManager.getGroup("TEST-Group")



I've tried to define "group" by changing "groupManager.getGroup()" to defining it by getting the value of my "Jira User Group" custom field, but then I get an error message on the next line that it's not valid for "groupManager.addUserToGroup(user,group)


Thank you


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Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 25, 2020

You'll see that the groupManager.addUserToGroup function is taking in a string which is the name of the group.

What you should do is output what you are storing from the Jira User Group field to ensure it is 1) A string and 2) A valid jira group.

If it is a valid jira group and a string you should be able to pass it to the gropManager.addUserToGroup function.


When an error says not valid it usually means it is not the right type.

You can always take the value of the custom field Jira User Group and use toString() to make sure it is a string.

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Sai Praveen Aminigadda October 26, 2023

@Robert Kendrick  did it work for you?

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