A way to show the Figma Page Title instead of the Figma Document's name?

Alejandro Luna
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April 21, 2023

It would be great to include the current page's name for the design being shared... 

It's a bit odd that I see "Platform improvements" (the title of my document) twice in the widget...

Can this be hardcoded by modifying the actual LINK that's pasted within the widget perhaps?


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Alejandro Luna
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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April 27, 2023

Ok found it myself, you can actually change the LINK in between the last / of the address and the ? to match whatever title you want to be visible at the white bar header of the widget.

https://www.figma.com/proto/Fp2Fmr8lNF8sWtVtpXux/[PUT THE TITLE HERE]?page-id=2072%3A1295&node-id=2219-17325&viewport=2750%2C-737%2C0.35&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=2219%3A17325&show-proto-sidebar=1

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