Hi, my name is Steve Pidgeon and I am a 42yr old wheelchair bound male with Muscular Dystrophy.
I retired from work QA/QC E+I Management positions in the Oil and Gas industry in 2016 when my body finally didn’t allow me too continue what I loved so dearly.
Since then I have managed my SMSF but the 2020 covid stock market crash meant that I have basically been living off the disability support pension since then supporting myself and my 7 year old little girl whom I have half the time.
I am an NDIS participant and this has allowed me to start living my life again and my number 1 goal is too return back to the workforce in some capacity.
I started my working career at 18 completing an electrical/electronic apprenticeship at SA water in 2001 and then went into the mines upon completion at Olympic Dam.
I got my first offshore gig in 2005 working on transocean semi-subs then completed my oil and gas inspectors ticket and worked my way up to holding Quality Cordinator position with Fluor on the Santos LNG hubs, Quality Superintendent for Thiess Kentz on the Inpex Darwin plant and then finally into the Origin Energy office West End in my first ever pants and shirt job as Lead E+I QA/QC officer on the Queensland LNG wells.
My daughter was only 6 months old when I had to retire from work so I have never been able to show her first hand that you can achieve anything in life through determination and hard work regardless of obstacles that may be put in your way, however big or small they may be.
I have signed up for the road show so I will be at Pacific fair on the 25th of this month on the Gold Coast but I am just putting the feelers out on here to find out what positions may be suitable within the organisation equivalent to my skill set.
Now I will admit that I am not the most tech savvy person surprisingly enough being an ex sparky but one thing that I do know is that I Know how to deal with people from all walks of life.
My long term goal is too eventually run my own advocacy consultancy business for NDIS participants.
I have a passion for helping people that are less fortunate than myself and I am sick and tired of hearing horror stories about people who may have been dealt a rough hand already getting ripped of by so called providers.
My work experience in Oil and gas QA/QC managing packages of work that can run into the hundreds of millions and even billions of dollars has meant I can read NDIS guidelines and service agreements better than most so no one ever steals a dollar from me and I want to help people achieve the same.
But to eventually get there and start my own business I need money and I am man enough to admit that this is something I currently do not have in abundant supply 🤣🤣
So if there is anyone on here who may be able to give me some direction as too what positions may be suitable would be very much appreciated.
Or conversely if you could just put me in direct contact with the top dogs then I will hound them until they have no choice but too reward me with some work just to get rid of me 🤣🤣.
I seen the last post was to tell people a little about your journey and how you got here today, so there is mine.
Kind Regards Steve Pidgeon
No Vikram I haven’t been given any guidance here on working with Atlassian companies.