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what is difference between ready and ready to ship status in jira

JIM_PROVO June 15, 2023

what is difference between ready and ready to ship status in jira

3 answers

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Jehan Bhathena
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July 8, 2023


I'll second @John Funk 's answer, a status name is something that you can define for your self.

In our use case we use "Ready" When the ticket is analyzed and good to go under development, where as "Ready to Ship" Is more of a deployment status which we use to identify tickets whose work is completed and can be deployed on multiple environments.

Hope this helps🙂

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John Funk
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June 15, 2023

Hey Jim,

Even with pre-identified statuses in a "template" workflow, it still really is up to your team and how they define those statuses. If they don't sound good to you, you can modify the workflow and insert new statuses with names that are more in line with how you work. 

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Mohamed Benziane
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June 15, 2023


These status seem specific to your Jira instance, you must ask your administrator to know what is the difference

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