URL Fields/Jira Forms

John Lord August 13, 2024


This is likely a complicated and drawn out question but I am in charge of our company shared Confluence space and I want our users to be able to send me Jira issues that need reviewed to see if the information on the Jira issue can be added to our Confluence space.  I am trying to either set up an automation where when triggered, it will redirect you to a Jira form or to a specific URL. Alternatively, I am also trying to just display a URL hyperlink as a custom field to allow users to click on it and take them directly to the form. 

Every custom field I try to create, it does not give me the ability to create a hyperlink, it just displays the actual link (screenshot attached). I have tried every custom field type but I cannot find a way to display an edited link. 

As far as the form goes, is it not possible to create an automation that redirects you to a specific url? I was able to create a method using a transition status to prompt the user to a transition screen, then the information provided on the transition screen would copy over to the fields on the created issue in the different project and then revert back to the status that the user was on before triggering the automation. However, our Jira admin will not allow this to go into production because it would "require too much time to test". 


Is there any automation rules available that when triggered, will prompt the user to fill out a Jira form or be redirected to a URL?

Is there a way to display a hyperlink URL as a field to direct users to a Jira form?

I would appreciate any feedback or ideas I can try to make this work without using status transitions. 

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