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Project setups

Marsha Newbery
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April 1, 2024

We've started a free trial of Jira today and I've spent the better part of the day trying to understand it, with no luck.  We are an internal legal team that provides services across many projects in our organization.   I have set up a template for new projects with all of the issues and configurations we would use repeatedly. (e.g.: the team always does Item A-Z, in roughly the same order, with changes only in sub-tasks.)  Is there a way for us to use this template for each new project, or do we have to type in the fields every time?   I've tried endless numbers of CSV imports and importing a template trello board - they import the issues ok, but the new imported project doesn't allow child issues, which is an important feature.    Is there something I'm doing wrong, or is the only option to just create a new project from scratch every time? 


Thank you, 


Marsha Newbery

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Trudy Claspill
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April 1, 2024

Hello @Marsha Newbery 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

What @Ste Wright has mentioned creates a template for the configuration of projects. It does not include having a default set of issues/tasks in a new project.

Some of the native methods to get a default set of issues/tasks include:

- importing the data after you have created a new Project

- using an Automation Rule to create the default set of issues, or clone them from a "template" Project that has been created an populated with a default set of issues/tasks

There are also third party apps that can help you clone a set of issues or an entire project. One such is Deep Clone for Jira. There are others. That one happens to remain free if you stay on the Free Jira Subscription and remain at 10 users or less.


When you say "I have set up a template for new projects ...", what exactly do you mean? "Project" is a specific term in Jira. There is a Projects menu, and under it is a View All Projects page. A Project is a container for issues, and each project can have a unique configuration (issue types, permissions, fields, etc.).

A new Project can be created using the Create Project option under the Projects menu.

The are many types of projects that come with predefined issue types and basic workflows, which can be customized more after creation.

There are also two over arching "types" of Projects that define who will be able to make customization for the projects and what the process for making those customizations are. Those two "types" are called Company Managed and Team Managed projects.

As Stephen mentioned Company Managed projects can share configurations. This is done by a Jira Administrator creating "schemes" for the different configuration elements (issue types, fields, screens, workflows, etc.) and those "schemes" can be used by multiple Company Managed projects simultaneously.

Team Managed projects, on the other hand, are intended to be stand-alone and unique. Customizations in those types of projects can be done by their Project Administrators, and the customizations can't be shared with other projects.

You can find more information about the difference between these two "types" here:

You can determine which "type" your project/projects are by looking at the Type column on the View All Projects page, under the Projects menu.

When a new project is created and you select from the list of available project templates it is not always obvious if the template can be used to create both "types" of projects, or only one "type" or the other "type". We can provide more information about that if you need it.

Trudy Claspill
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April 2, 2024

Hello @Marsha Newbery 

While the "Share configurations settings" option is disabled in the free plan, you can work around that by changing the schemes assigned to the Company Managed project after the project is created.

If you navigate to the Project Settings and select the Summary page, you'll see all the schemes that are in use for the project.

If you click on one of them that will show you the details for that scheme.

In most cases on those pages you'll find an Action button with an option to Use A Different Scheme.

That would enable you to change the project to use the scheme that you set up to be your standard.

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 8.09.53 AM.png

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Ste Wright
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April 1, 2024

Hi @Marsha Newbery 

Welcome to the Community! 

There's a lot Jira can do! And it's only the first day :)


You can create a Template for a Project - so all the fields, workflows, etc are the same across each of them.

These "templates" share that configuration - i.e one workflow used across all of them, rather than each having their own workflow.

But you do need to ensure the Project is Company-managed to be able to do this.


To create Company-managed Project:

  1. Select Projects (from the top navigation bar) > Create project
  2. Select your desired template
  3. On the next screen, select the "> Show more" option
  4. Set Project type to Company-managed

Note: This is also where the template "share" option is for future Projects - a checkbox should appear called "Share settings with an existing Project". You would do Steps 1-4 each time, then check this box, and choose your template to base the new Project on.


There's a lot of options for customising your Project.

As a starting point, check out some of the help pages here:

Or, feel free to ask any specific questions you have, and we'd be happy to help :)

I'd also consider doing some learning on Atlassian University, to get to know some of the fundamentals:


Let us know if this helps!


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John Funk
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April 2, 2024

Hi Marsha - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Basically, you can follow these steps. 

  • Create a Company-managed Jira Work Management project - this will become your "template" so you can name it as such. Add a project category to the Project Details page which will unique identify projects using this template. 
  • Create all of your configurations that you want - schemes, custom fields, etc. and attach them to the project. 
  • Create an automation rule base on a new project getting created with the above Project Category which will create all of the tasks you want created on the project. 

Let us know if you have questions/need help as you walk through each step. 

Good luck!


Marsha Newbery
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
April 2, 2024

Thank you everyone. It looks like the sharing of configurations/settings is not available on the free plan, so we won't be able to test these solutions.   I appreciate the answers! 

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John Funk
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April 3, 2024

Can you be more specific as to which ones are not available?

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