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How can i fix the E-Mail Handler?

Tobias Erting June 5, 2024

i have a problem with my email handler. when an email is sent to the jira@<company> mail i want the email to be forwarded to my mailbox. It actually works that an email arrives but it is an error email and also the old email is not attached although it was said in the email (see picture 1). Picture 2 shows how I have set up the mail handler. How can I ensure that the emails are simply forwarded to me? What do I have to set up differently?

Also what does this (v${build.version}#${build.currentBuildNumber}) mean?


Thanks in advance,
Tobias Erting

Picture 1:Picture 1.png

Picture 2:Picture 2.png

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Trudy Claspill
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June 24, 2024

Hello @Tobias Erting 

I was able to generate the error email message by trying to send a new email directly to the incoming email address for my instance, with that email not including in its subject line an issue key.

It appears that you have perhaps modified the original Email Handler that comes pre-built with Jira Cloud. That email handler is configured to only add Comments to existing issues, not create new issues. In order to be able to add the email content as a Comment on an existing issue, the email summary must include the Issue Key of an existing issue.

If you send an email to the email address and that email does not include an issue key in the subject, then Jira has no way to know what to do with the content. Hence the error message that you received.

In my case, the email that caused the error was also attached to the error message email, so I was not able to recreate that portion of your problem. Perhaps your email system flagged the attachment as suspicious and blocked it from being delivered.


If you want Jira to be able to create new issues from emails you should should set up a second email handler. In that email handler's configuration you will have to specify the project and the issue type for the new issues that will be created. You can refer to this documentation for more information.

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