How can I automate the creation of Tasks under Epics so they are nested?

Kathryn Minczuk August 8, 2022

I can manually add tasks under epics and they display in the nested format, but when I automate the creation of tasks when an epic is created (as a parent of the tasks), they are not nested!

This is super frustrating, is making my projects very disorganized, and creating extra work. Please help. 

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Stuart Capel - London
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August 8, 2022

Hi @Kathryn Minczuk 

You can set 'Epic Link' in your automation like this:


I think this is what you mean - let me know, hopefully it helps.

Kathryn Minczuk August 8, 2022


Hi @Stuart Capel - London

Thank you for trying. This is what I'm trying to accomplish, but when I run this rule, the tasks are not nested beneath the parent Epic. However, if I manually add a task beneath the epic in the list view, it is nested.



John Funk
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August 11, 2022
Kathryn Minczuk August 25, 2022

@Jane Yeoh is there someone from Atlassian who can reach out to me about this to help troubleshoot? Thanks

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