All Issues (except for Done Issues) in a project have gone missing after adjusting workflow.

Andrew Ogbourne November 1, 2022

Hi. Help please!

All off the issues except those in Done status have gone missing.
I have been adjusting the workflow for that project, including adding some project-specific statuses.  (E.g. "MDE Backlog", "MDE TO Do" and "MDE In Progress"). I subsequently realised that I don't need the new statuses after all, so I have gone back to the previous workflow and scheme that uses the default Backlog, To Do and In Progress status.

However, I now have no Issues in the project except for the Done Issues.  AARRGGHH.

It's not something in the Board view/filter I am using:  I have opened a new Issues list and filtered only on the project.  There seem to simply be no issues in the Project.

When I was adjusting the workflows, I let it take back up copies as suggested and I have tried switching back to them.  None of them pick up the lost issues.

I suspect (and could well be wrong) that something happened when the system was reassigning Issue Statuses when switching workflows - and that it reassigned them to something completely invisible, or even trash.  However, I don't know how to find out.

Can someone tell me the easy fix please!!

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Andrew Ogbourne November 1, 2022


I think that the Issues are not missing: They have all been transitioned to Done status.  I must have made a mistake in the mapping from one set of statuses to the new set (or in reverting).

Fortunately, I also had an error in my new workflow config - it did not add a Resolution when moving them to Done.  That allows me to easily (by filtering on issues with Status Done but no Resolution) identify those that were changed to Done by mistake and (manually) revert them back to To Do.

It will mean that some Issues that had been in In Progress will revert to To Do - but that's acceptable in the circumstances. 

I will update again later if this turns out to be the answer - or not. 

David Jensen Rosario
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November 2, 2022

Hi Andrew,

I experienced the same issue. What happened with mine was when I edited the workflow and changed the names of the statuses, the existing issues under those old status names didn't automatically get assigned to the new status names,

What fixed it was going into list view, then toggling the status between the old state (previous name) and the new state (new name) so that it shows up properly. 

Hope this helps.

Andrew Ogbourne November 3, 2022


I just had to identify the issues that had been switched to Done and revert them to To Do.  Manually but there were only 150 or so.

I'm not exactly sure what went wrong in switching the workflow in the first place.  Obviously something to do with the reassignment of issues to the new statuses. I will be more careful the next time I do it!

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