Not really used to complaining, I have been using JIRA for 8+ years and in general find it to be a great system for agile development teams... and I am probably screaming into the void here, but the "new" (ok it's been like this for a while) way to select multiple tickets in JIRA Backlog is BAD.
It's actually REALLY BAD.
So I've just been planning a sprint and wanted to move some tickets out of one sprint and into another. Should be simple, right? Select my tickets and use the wonderful "Move to" option.
I've selected the tickets and then - fortunately for me - remembered that JIRA is now retaining the selection of the last ticket I viewed.
So I have to search through all of my sprints and my backlog to find any tickets that have previously been selected, and de-select them one at a time so that I don't, for example, MOVE A BUNCH OF TICKETS OUT OF THE CURRENT SPRINT BY ACCIDENT (I've done this a few times and sometimes only realised weeks later when a planned piece of work did not get done in time).
Frankly this UX is rubbish and I can't believe there isn't a workaround.
Am I the only person suffering from this? Is there something I can do to make this work better for me?
Thanks, in anticipation and apols for the CAPS :)