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"Create KB Article" button appearing sporadically in Jira Service Desk

Deleted user March 25, 2014


We're using Confluence 5.4.3 with Jira 6.1.6 and Service Desk 1.2.1.

In the edit issue view in Jira, the "Create KB article" button shows up inconsistently - some issues have it, some don't.

They're all in the same Service desk enabled project, of the same issue types, and there seems no obvious pattern about when they were created/edited/resolved.

Please see attached screenshots of two virtually identical issues - one that displays, the other that doesn't.



4 answers

1 accepted

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Answer accepted
Deleted user April 23, 2014

This is being tracked as a bug by Atlassian

0 votes
Lisa Schaffer April 7, 2014

Thanks Scott. Fixed the problem, but this shouldn't be the case. I found an issue which already had been logged to address this, which is this one, and have voted - you all vote too if you agree. Thanks

0 votes
IT Solutions Team March 31, 2014

I think this might be related to, tickets that are not opened via Service Desk do not have the Customer Request Type field set so certain Service Desk features (like viewing in the Customer Portal) are not enabled.

I'm going to test the workaround in that ticket for using JIRA Automation Plugin to set that field and see if that addresses this issue.

IT Solutions Team April 1, 2014

I've confirmed that by setting the Customer Request Type the Create KB Article button showed up on a ticket that it previously did not.

I used the information in this comment and this one (Cron works to update all the ones that are outstanding, the create issue event will catch future tickets).

0 votes
Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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March 25, 2014

Hmm. The only thing that I know of that controls whether that option appears is if the user has "create page" permissions in the space the knowledge base article is going in. Could you check that (although I doubt it because I think the same project/issue type means it should be landing in the same place. Not 100% sure of that though)

Deleted user March 25, 2014

Thanks Nic, I already checked that. All our jira-users group have add page permissions to this space. This sporadic problem is occuring irrespective of the user - I have full permissions to everything and they are my screenshots attached.

I've just done some more digging and realised that the only issues that have the link are the ones created via the web portal - issues created directly in Jira don't have the button. So, that explains it, but is it right that it works in this way? The Service desk is enabled for a project, and so I would expect all issues in the project to be treated the same, regardless of where they originated from.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
March 26, 2014

Hmm. So would I, but this does seem to be coded behaviour - I've just tried it on my installs, and I get the same as you.

I think this should be raised with Atlassian! Not really a bug, but it's something I'd like to be able to enable - I don't see why I should have to raise issues via the service desk just to have the option of creating an article from it (as a developer, I'd like to scribble it based on an agile card)

Deleted user March 26, 2014

Thanks Nic, already logged as

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