problems sending updates for issues states

Willy Acuña August 18, 2017

Hi there,

I have some problems sending updates of issues states to requesters.

That case is only if the requester create a ticket sending an email and the issue is linked to a personalized workflow (created by me), once i update the issue state, the requester doesnt receive any notification.

In contrast, if the requester create a ticket sendind an email, and the issue is linked to any jira default workflow, once i update the state issue, the reporter receive the update notification.

Also, if the requester create a ticket through the portal or the webpage, he receive all the notifications for updates, in any linked workflow (personalized or jira default)

ive kept the default notifications configuration for this project.

I aprecciate a solution for that issue.

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Susan Hauth _Jira Queen_
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August 18, 2017

Hi Willy,

Sounds like you are having a problem with notifications from the project (not Customer notifications).   In your personalized workflow, in your post functions what event are you firing off when the issue status changes? If it's one where there are no notifications this could be the problem.



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