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hardware requirements for JIRA and Confluence Servers to run Service Desk

FastRezult May 14, 2015

We will start by JIRA Service Desk Server (10 users JIRA + 3 agents Service Desk) + Confluence Server (10 users).

We will install our above package on the cloud (Amazon AWS or Google Cloud).

Our main use will be JIRA Service Desk.

We will use JIRA to create projects for Service Desk. No more.

We will use Confluence by connecting it to JIRA Service Desk to benefit from knowledge base feature.

We got a look at JIRA RequirementsJIRA Sizing Guide, and Confluence Server Hardware Requirements Guide.

We could locate our position as Small-scale in JIRA Sizing Guide. 

Above JIRA guides don't mention any requirements for JIRA Service Desk's Agents and Customers' uses for the system.

Also, above Confluence guide, don't mention requirements for connection to JIRA Service Desk and uses of Customers for the knowledge base.

May you please advise about:

  1. what additional hardware requirements for JIRA Server to run JIRA Service Desk's Agents and Customers activities?
  2. what additional hardware requirements for Confluence Server to connect to JIRA Service Desk and handle Customers' uses for the knowledge base?



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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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May 14, 2015
  1.  I would recommend adding a bit more memory to the server if you can - Service Desk is quite a large addon and has an impact on performance in general.  Not a huge amount, but it is noticable
  2. Confluence is fine - the connection and Knowledge Base stuff adds no more than any other space, so you won't notice it.


whtan December 19, 2019

Hi Nic,


is there a specific spec for hardware ? eg  2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5520 @ 2.27GHz (16 logical cores) with 32GB of RAM. 

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