I am having trouble with the work flow transition. When I close an issue and select a resolution, it defaults my resolution to "Done" instead of what I am selecting. When I go to resolutions and try and remove defaults I get n error screen. I also tried to remove the resolution Post Function for the transition. Any guidance?
hmmm, to be clear here when you say "instead of what I am selecting" I assume you mean what the user selects in the resolution drop down on the modal popup when transitioning to done. Also, regarding removing the default - where exactly are you attempting to do this?
Resolutions are system wide. you can add/remove/modify/set default/clear default here - Jira settings > Issues > Resolutions. To clear any default click here...
The screen capture you posted of the "clean defaults" selection is what I was selecting when trying to clear my defaults. When I select it I get this error:
Also, all of my post functions are deleted besides the original 5 that seem to be permanent.
can you try a different browser? what does the "documentation" link present?
I received the same error message in a different browser. The documentation link goes to a page about Jira Software Server 8.4 documentation.
if you are seeing this in multiple browsers I recommend you reach out to Atlassian Support.