Update Notifications

AJR IT Operations
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August 23, 2017

Is there a way to disable the notifications for when a ticket is changed in priority or status?  We want to prevent our helpdesk staff from getting an email any time the priority is changed and we do not need the additional notification that a ticket changed from "waiting on customer" to "waiting on support".

I tried removing all of the recipients under Issue Updated in the Notification Settings area, but that also disabled emails being sent to our users when the helpdesk staff added notes to a ticket.




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Jack Brickey
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August 23, 2017

regarding disabling for changing priority or status specifically, notifications are not that granular. You can update the provided notification event "Issue Updated" to notify only those specific groups you want. you would need to play with creating groups to be notified and add that group to the event notification and remove all others. Messy but might get you what you want.

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