Two service desks - Issue with end user portal

Jordan Paquette March 22, 2018

I am having an issue with customers in one service desk project being able to see the end user portal for another service desk project when they are not customers of that service desk project. 

I am using Jira Service Desk with two separate instances.


Under Jira > Settings > Applications > Jira Service Desk > Configuration this is what I have set up for Customer Permissions.

Screen Shot 2018-03-22 at 1.43.22 PM.png

On one service desk, this is what I have the permissions set to.

Screen Shot 2018-03-22 at 1.46.17 PM.png


After I click on Change Permissions;

Screen Shot 2018-03-22 at 1.47.53 PM.png


On the second service desk project (created after the first one), I see these permissions.


Screen Shot 2018-03-22 at 1.50.37 PM.pngAfter I click Change Permissions, I see this:


Screen Shot 2018-03-22 at 1.51.33 PM.png

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? This is causing a lot of confusion for our users that are attempting to submit IT help tickets in our one service desk but are being routed to the second end user portal. The odd thing is that the end user portal has IT related requests on the page but the heading is from the other end user portal.

I think that Jira is confused somehow...

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Jack Brickey
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March 22, 2018

I'm guessing that you have one or more Organizations defined and that each project has the same organization. At least that is what I would look at first.

If you have separate project for each customer and you ensure that if you are using Organization feature then be sure not to have the 'Company1-Org' in the 'Company2' list of customers and vice versa then you should not be seeing this behavior.

Jordan Paquette March 22, 2018

I have only one organization but there are no members currently added to the organization. If I add customers to an organization, they will be able to see each others support requests, correct?

The organization is in the customer list of only one service desk.

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