Support requests do not get set to waiting for customer response

Deleted user March 22, 2018



Several support tickets that we have open do not get set to waiting for customer response when they are replied to.

For most tickets, when they are replied to they get set to Waiting for customer, however several tickets when replied to remain on the status: Waiting for support

For the tickets that are experiencing this bug, there is nothing noticeably different than the ones that function normally.


Is there anything that can be done to prevent this from happening to tickets?

2 answers

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 23, 2018

What version of Jira Service Desk is this?  Or is this perhaps using the Jira Cloud platform?

If you login to Jira, and look at this issue, then go to the History tab near the bottom of the page do you see anything different here in regards to the history info?  It's possible this might provide a clue as to the issue status and fields changed via this response to see if maybe this is a factor.

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Susan Hauth _Jira Queen_
Community Leader
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March 23, 2018

Hi Michael,

I'm assuming that there must be an automation rule that transitions the request to "waiting for customer" based on comments.  DId you look at the log of the Automation rule.  It's very detailed.


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