Setting Priority at Dynamic Form

vikasaqua15 July 31, 2017

I recently purchased JSD License and in a process of setting it up. I have 2 questions.

1. I want to set a sepcific value of a custom field amont few options based on the selections made for previous field. For Example if my user is selecting Website Issue --> Site Down then I want to select Priority as Critical and If they select Website Issue --> Shopping Cart Issue then I want priority to be Urgent. Writing an Automation for each and every option is cumbersome to maintain. Is there a easier way of doing this?

2. I have created a set of Customer who I have grouped under the Organization as Developers. I want to who added the last comment to my Issue, Is it a user from a particular Org or someone else. Is it possible? I know I can select User Type = Customer or Agent from Automation but that is not what I want. I want to know the Org of the person adding the last note.

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Susan Hauth _Jira Queen_
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August 1, 2017

Hi Vikas,

1. You can set the priority as a post workflow function on create.  Or you could make those items different request types and set the default of the priority field in the edit fields - request type. Or as you said make it an automation rule

2. When you say you want to know the org of the last person adding the note, then what are you hoping to do with that?   I don't currently see a way to do that in automation.



vikasaqua15 August 1, 2017

Thanks Susan,


1. I have too many options within each request type. It is not possible for me to create one request type for each drop down selection. I wanted a way on Dynamic form itself to set the value of Priority or similar custom field based on the selection of previous field. Currently I am doing it using automation. I want a direct way of doing this without an automation because any future changes in my options, I have to change the automation rule everytime.

2. I want to change the status of an issue depending on who added the comment (developer vs an agent vs a customer). To do this I wanted to know who added a note. I sorted this out yesterday by using a workaround.

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