Service Desk custom URL

Jeff Saffle June 3, 2014

I'm wanting to link a subdomain for our website to our service desk site. I'm using IIS7 to create the subdomain, and add an HTTP redirect rule. Atlasian hosts our site for us. I'm not sure what URL I should be linking to.

If I link to the URL that appears when I open the customer portal, all I get is a "404 Dead Link" error when I try to visit our subdomain site.

Is there another URL I should be linking to besides the one that appears when I visit the service desk home page?

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Jeff Saffle June 4, 2014

I got it figured out. In IIS, I created the site I wanted to redirect to my service desk page, then within that site, under HTTP Redirect, paste the entire URL of your service desk home page (minus the trailing "/" in the url), and check both boxes under "Redirect Behavior". I set the Status code to "Permanent (301)". There may be other ways to do this that work as well, but this way is working perfectly for me, so I'm not messing with it.

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