Service Desk: Customer notification vs Project notification

Frederic Baud August 15, 2017

Hi guys,

If you set the below parameters to take into account the same events, how does SD ensure that the customer is not emailed twice?

Customer notification: Public comment added OR Request created

Project notification scheme: Issue commented OR Issue created

Is there a recommendation on how best to choose between customer notification or customer-related notification scheme?

Cheers, Fred


2 answers

2 votes
Jack Brickey
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August 15, 2017

@Frederic Baud,

All customer notifications are managed via Customer notifications screen. The Notifications screen control internal communications.

I realize having Customer notifications and Notifications can be confusing (was for me and still is TBH) and I don't know the underlying code that controls this. However, the customer should not be receiving two notifications. If this is the case please provide more details of the scenario.

Frederic Baud August 16, 2017

hey @Jack Brickey,

Thanks for getting back to me. I actually believe there is 1 mechanism to strongly avoid double notifications sent out to customers. It is under Admin - Applications - Jira Service Desk - Configuration > Notifications (see attached screenshot).

If you choose the recommended setting, then you are safe. If not, then you have to carefully configure the Project notifications.

Cheers, FredM6135.PNG

Jack Brickey
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August 16, 2017

yes indeed that would certainly do it! Thanks for adding to the thread so other can benefit. If this was the source of your problem you may wish to make that an "Answer" rather than reply and check it as the answer.

1 vote
Frederic Baud August 16, 2017

I actually believe there is 1 mechanism to strongly avoid double notifications sent out to customers. It is under Admin - Applications - Jira Service Desk - Configuration > Notifications (see attached screenshot).

If you choose the recommended setting, then you are safe. If not, then you have to carefully configure the Project notifications.

Cheers, Fred


Susan Hauth _Jira Queen_
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August 16, 2017

This should be an option by project imho

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