Service Desk - Create/Enable Project Does Nothing

Robert Kennedy May 13, 2014

I've just installed the Jira Service Desk add-on to my new server. While I have production licenses for all my other products, the Service Desk add-on is using an eval license. When I click to create a "New Service Desk Project," it does nothing. I get a small, rotating icon that disappears after about a second, but nothing more. If I choose to enable an existing project, the name shows up. But if I select it and choose "Enable," the page does nothing still. I'm not redirected to a wizard or anything.

Am I doing something wrong or was there an additional installation step? For the installation, I downloaded the .obr file, logged into Jira, and uploaded it under "Manage Add-ons." Jira is using Crowd and SSO for authentication. The OS for this system is Red Hat 64-bit.

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Robert Kennedy May 13, 2014

The problem also persists on Internet Explorer 10 on Windows and Firefox 17 on Linux.

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