Reporter volume Report

Eric Gordon
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March 26, 2018

I am trying to find out if I can build a report that shows the number of tickets submitted by a user, the average response time by a ticket owner, and other data off of the fields I have in my form. I cannot seem to get Jira reporting to do this for me and I don't see a location to export the data from all tickets submitted in raw form. Any help or insight would be appreciated.


Thank you,



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Brittany Wispell
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April 2, 2018

Hey Eric, 

You can create a specific JQL and add the columns you want to a Filter Search and export from that filter. 

Screen Shot 2018-04-02 at 10.23.10 AM.pngScreen Shot 2018-04-02 at 11.05.10 AM.png

Or you can create a dashboard that does a couple of things. 1.) You can use a two dimensional filter results. 

Screen Shot 2018-04-02 at 10.55.25 AM.png

These are just a couple of thoughts, of how to accomplish some of what you're looking for. I hope you've found a way already. 

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