I'm looking for the best option to create a set of fields that can be repeated in a ticket in jira service desk. I'll explain further: let's say I want the reporter to include a list of products on a ticket, this list of products will be introduced with 2 different fields (Product number and quantity) if I want to give them the ability to introduce more than 1 product on a ticket i.e.
Product: A - Quantity: 1
Product: B - Quantity: 2
Product: C- Quantity: 1
Can I do this without having to create multiple custom fields?
Hi Jose,
There is no such custom field out of the box available in Jira. I believe you require this feature because, you don't want users to enter the products names manually in any text field as it is prone to human errors.
There could be possible solutions using behaviour module of ScriptRunner plugin if you are using it. One of such could be,
1. Create a multi line text custom field named as Product and Quantity.
2. Create a cascaded select list custom field named as "Product List". Primary list of this fields should be product names and dependent list could be quantity.
3. Create a new behaviour in the behaviour section of the ScriptRunner plugin consisting of these two fields. In the server side script of "Product List" custom field, create a fieldChangeEvent and get the selected value of Product list. Format this value as you require and add it to the existing value of custom field "Product and Quantity". You can also set this custom field to read only so users can not edit this field manually.