Queues setup

Leary Stewart May 1, 2014

How can i setup queues that allows for issues logged to be routed to them

Is their any documentation that spekas to queue setup ?

1 answer

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Deleted user May 13, 2014

Hi Leary,

This is some documentation you find about service desk queues, but it is not very extensive:


However setting op a queue in service desk is quite simple:

1) Create a queue with a name that suits your needs

2) Create a JQL query that will search for all the issues that have to be placed in this queue. The following example adds all issues in project X with type bug to the queue:

project = X AND issueType = Bug

More information on JQL can be found here:


Your service desk will make sure that all new issues will appear in the right queue, based on the JQL query that was set. The hardest part of setting up a queue is assembling the right JQL query.

Hope this helps!

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